1. These Terms and Conditions apply to the on-line record access provided by Stevens Hewlett & Perkins (“the Firm”) to its clients via the MySH&P web application product (“the Product”). The User is defined as any client of the Firm to whom the Firm has agreed to provide access to the Product and to whom it has issued a user name and password.
2. The purpose of the Product is to provide the User with on-line access to certain information relating to their intellectual property portfolio to the extent that the said portfolio is managed by the Firm. The information supplied is not comprehensive, is not intended to constitute any form of advice whether express or implied, nor is it intended to form the basis for any decision by the User in relation to any matter relating to the Intellectual Property, including but not limited to the freedom to use it, its validity, enforceability or its scope. The User should contact the Firm to obtain advice on all matters relating to their intellectual property.
3. The information provided to the User via the Product is for the exclusive use of the User and the Firm has no obligations to any person other than the User.
4. The Firm will use its best endeavours to ensure that the information supplied via the Product is updated from the Firm’s internal database at least every 24 hours.
5. By using the Product, the User agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and is granted a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable licence to use the Product and data.
6. The right to use the Product shall continue unless and until terminated by either party giving not less than five days’ notice in writing. The right to use the Product shall terminate automatically with immediate effect in the event the User ceases to be a client of the Firm.
7. (a) The web application, underlying software, the database and all elements of presentation, the information it contains, any prints and reports derived from it, the user manual and all trade marks used in association with it including MySH&P, and STEVENS HEWLETT & PERKINS, however represented, are the property of the Firm and are protected by the laws of Intellectual Property. The use of the property of the Firm is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Firm.
(b) The MySH&P logo and/or any other trade marks of the Firm shall not be removed from the prints and schedules produced using the Product.
8. The information provided via the Product is derived from the Firm’s internal database which itself consists of information supplied to the Firm from various sources. Whilst this database is compiled with the greatest possible care it is subject to the limitations inherent in compiling databases of this nature. As such the Firm accepts no greater obligation than to have taken all reasonable care in the compilation of the information available. In relation to information supplied to the Firm by third parties (which the Firm has not been requested to independently verify), the Firm expressly disclaims any responsibility.
9. The Firm have made every effort to ensure that the Product will deliver the information required by the client in a timely and efficient manner. However, given the susceptibility of electronic transfers of data and access thereto to delay and breakdown the Firm cannot accept responsibility for problems of this kind. On being advised of any such difficulty by the User, the Firm will use its best endeavours to resolve the situation as soon as possible. During any downtime, the Client is advised to contact the Firm to obtain the information they require direct from the Firms database.
10. When you use create an account to use the Product you will be asked to input personal data and will be allocated a password. SH&P recognises the importance of the personal data it holds as a consequence of your use of the Product. SH&P is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations effective from 25 May 2018 and will treat all personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Please refer to our Privacy Policy using the link below.
By confirming your acceptance of these Terms & Conditions you also confirm your acceptance of the terms of our Privacy Policy and the way in which we handle personal data as set out therein. If you have any questions or concerns in this regard please contact:
Camille Bates Partner Stevens Hewlett & Perkins First Floor, St Bartholomew’s House Lewins Mead Bristol BS1 2NH UK |
Tel No. +44 117 922 6007 Email: mail@shandp.com |
These Terms of Use may be amended by SH&P at any time on notice to the User in writing or via the Software.